American Conchologist is the official publication of the Conchologists of America. It is a well-illustrated quarterly journal of conchology, containing scientific articles, first-hand accounts of collecting spots, books reviews, advertisements, shell club news, COA Trophy winners, shell show schedules, convention news and a wealth of information about mollusks--land, marine, freshwater and fossil.

- Editor’s comments
- SHELLS DO NOT KNOW THEIR NAMES An introduction to molluscan taxonomy by Martin Avery Snyder
- A Busycon ‘name game’ by Thomas E. Eichhorst
- “Ariel,” or Love at First Sight by E. Shary Almasi 3
- A bit more of the ‘name game’ with Neoteron ariel by Thomas E. Eichhorst
- India and Sri Lanka: tigers, leopards, whales, and snails by Charles E. Rawlings
- Subspecies in Cypraeidae: the case for the prosecution by Moshe Erlendur Okon
- Subspecies in the Cypraeidae: witness for the defense by J. C. WEIR
- Dealer Directory
- Conchologists of America Annual Business Meeting by Phyllis Gray
- In Memoriam
- James Cordy, a life of shells by F. Matthew Blaine
- Philippine helicostyline land snail diversity, distribution and areas of endemism: an effect of forest type? (COA Academic Grant Brief Report) by Gizelle A. Batomalaque
- Book Review: Revised Classification, Nomenclator and Typification of Gastropod and Monoplacophoran Families by David Campbell
- Book Review: The Beachcomber's Companion by Tom Eichhorst
- Book Review: Cowries - A Guide to the Gastropod Family Cypraeidae Volume 1: Biology & Systematics by Richard Kent
- Book Review: Natural History Collector: Hunt, Discover, Learn! by Tom Eichhorst
- Sanibel Shell Festival (COA Award)
- Broward Annual Shell Show (COA Award)
- Sarasota Shell Club Shell Show (COA Award)
- St. Petersburg Shell Show (COA Award)
- Marco Island Shell Show (COA Award)
Do some reading in the online American Conchologist Library. Here you'll find many articles on mollusks and shelling, reprinted complete from the pages of recent issues of our journal.
Subscriptions are free with membership in Conchologists of America, a worldwide organization devoted to education about mollusks and the interests of shell hobbyists and enthusiasts everywhere. To join COA, and receive American Conchologist each quarter, complete our membership application and mail it to us, along with your annual dues. To learn more about membership in send an email to the
Membership Director, Linda Powers (
Back Issues of American Conchologist:
Back issues of any available issues of the COA quarterly journal, American Conchologist, are available at $5.00 per issue plus postage. Filled with articles on shells, shell trips, personalities in the shell world, events, collecting and exhibiting methods...they are an excellent resource. Contact: Karlynn Morgan