New Western Atlantic Gastropods
by Gary Rosenberg
More than two years have passed since my last round up of new species of Western Atlantic gastropods, which covered 1993-1994. In 1995-1996, 52 species of gastropods were named from the Western Atlantic. I've listed 24 of these here, concentrating on neogastropods as most likely of interest to collectors. Most of the species that I have not listed are micromollusks or from deep water. To learn about these, seach my electronic database for "1995" or "1996" via Internet
Sinezona redferni Rolán, 1996 (Scissurellidae) Iberus 14: 109110, figs. 14. Size: 0.7 mm. Type locality: Chub Rocks, Abaco, Bahamas. Depth: 1056 m. Comment: Also reported from Cuba.
Aclophora sagei Rolán & FernándezGarcés, 1995 (Triphoridae) Apex 10: 15, figs. 3335. Size: 8.6 mm. Type locality: Cienfuegos Bay, Southern Cuba. Depth: 2056 m.
Annulobalcis aurisflamma Simone & Martins, 1995 (Eulimidae) Journal of Conchology 35: 224233, figs. 125. Size: 11 mm. Type locality: Enseada Beach, Ubatuba City, São Paulo State, Brazil. Depth: 08 m (live).
Coronium elegans Simone, 1996 (Muricidae) Bulletin of Marine Science 59: 4951, figs. 79, 1314. Size: 70.7 mm. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, off Peruibe, 24 30'S, 47 00'W. Depth: 110130 m. Comment: Simone also transferred Columbarium coronatum Penna-Neme & Leme, 1978 to Coronium.
Coronium oblongum Simone, 1996 (Muricidae) Bulletin of Marine Science 59: 4749, figs. 12, 56, 1012. Size: 50.7 mm. Type locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, slope off Ubatuba, sta. 5362, 24 52'S, 44 34'W. Depth: 300600 m (live 320 m).
Anachis carloslirai P. M. Costa, 1996 Columbellidae) La Conchiglia 27(280): 4549, figs. 1, 34, 5 (left). Size: 13.7 mm. Type locality: Off Guarapari, Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Depth: 20100 m (live 2025 m).
Colubraria sunderlandi Petuch, 1995 (Buccinidae) La Conchiglia 27(275): 3940, figs. 79. Size: 27 mm. Type locality: Montego Bay, Jamaica. Depth: 20 m (live).
Metula frausseni Bozzetti, 1995 (Buccinidae) World Shells 15: 2931, 2 figs. Size: 25.3 mm. Type locality: Off Eastern Nicaragua.
Thala crassa Lopes de Simone, 1995 (Costellariidae) Bulletin of Marine Science 56: 805811, figs. 111. Type locality: continental slope off Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 24 25'00"S, 44 16'05"W. Depth: 240600 m (live 250350 m). Size: 20.3 mm. Comments: Stated maximum length of 30 mm in text appears to be an error for 20 mm, based on lengths cited for type specimens.
Prunum enriquevidali Espinosa & Ortea, 1995 (Marginellidae) Avicennia 3: 14, figs. 12, 3bc. Size: 16.8 mm. Type locality: Cayo Coco, Archipiélago SabanaCamagüey, Cuba. Depth: 1.52 m.
Prunum poulosi Lipe, 1996 (Marginellidae) La Conchiglia 27(278): 1112, 1 fig. Size: 30.1 mm. Type locality: Colombia, between Santa Marta and Cabo de la Vela, Peninsula de la Guajira, 3040 fms. Depth: 3555 m.
Terebra reticulata Lopes de Simone & Verissimo, 1995 (Terebridae) Bulletin of Marine Science 57: 460466, figs. 18. Size: 25 mm. Type locality: OIUSP sta. 5361, slope off Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 24 42"0"S, 44 30'5"W, 320 m. Comments: Preoccupied by Terebra reticulata J. de C. Sowerby, 1840.
Conus (Magelliconus) deynzerorum Petuch, 1995 (Conidae) La Conchiglia 27(275): 3637, figs. 12. Size: 13.5 mm. Type locality: Banco Chinchorro Atoll, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Depth: 3 m.
Conus julieandreae Cargile, 1995 (Conidae) La Conchiglia 27(275): 2429, fig. 14, 5bc, 6, 7a. Size: 30.7 mm. Type locality: Cayos Caratasca, Honduras. Depth: 330 m (live 310 m)
Conus (Leptoconus) floridanus tranthami Petuch, 1995 Conidae) La Conchiglia 27(275): 3738, figs. 34. Size: 21.5 mm. Type locality: Pickles Reef, off Plantation Key, northern Florida Keys. Depth: 210 m.
Conus (Leporiconus) ritae Petuch, 1995 (Conidae) La Conchiglia 27(275): 3839, figs. 56. Size: 27.5 mm. Type locality: Gorda Bank off Honduras. Depth: 1020 m.
Clathurella eversoni Tippett, 1995 (Turridae) Nautilus 109: 135, fig. 1011. Size: 4.5 mm. Type locality: Off Dania Beach, Florida, between second and third reefs. Depth: 21 m. Comments: This appears to be Nassarina glypta Bush, 1885 (Columbellidae).
Drillia (Clathrodrillia) chaaci Espinosa & Rolán, 1995 (Turridae) Avicennia 3: 3032, figs. 16. Size: 19.6 mm. Type locality: Arrecife frontal de Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, México. Depth: 615 m (live).
Drillia (Clathrodrillia) dautzenbergi Tippett, 1995 (Turridae) Nautilus 109: 129130, fig. 45. Size: 27 mm. Type locality: Isla Margarita, Venezuela. Depth: not stated.
Drillia (Clathrodrillia) petuchi Tippett, 1995 (Turridae) Nautilus 109: 130132, fig. 18. Size: 53 mm. Type locality: Off Barbados. Depth: 142 m.
Drillia wolfei Tippett, 1995 (Turridae) Nautilus 109: 127129, fig. 1, 28, 31. Size: 19 mm. Type locality: 15 km east of Cape Lookout, North Carolina. Depth: 36 m (live).
Fenimorea kathyae Tippett, 1995 (Turridae) Nautilus 109: 132133, fig. 14, 32. Size: 36 mm. Type locality: West coast of Barbados. Depth: 58152 m (live 152 m).
Fenimorea petiti Tippett, 1995 (Turridae) Nautilus 109: 133, fig. 17, 33. Size: 17.7 mm. Type locality: Gulf of Mexico, west of Crystal River, Florida. Depth: 59 m (live).
Melampus (Detracia) morrisoni Martins, 1996 (Ellobiidae) Malacologia 37: 297302, fig. 355376. Comment: New name for Detracia clarki Morrison, 1951, non Melampus clarki White, 1895.
Department of Mollusks, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195