Additional Information Resources
The following information and links to sources of information on the Net are provided as a service to COA members. COA does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the contents of these sources, nor for any links, or absence of links from the Internet resources.
Conch-L -- "Conch-L is the property of the University of Georgia and is provided for use by interested parties free of charge. The Conch-L list is moderated by COA member volunteers and administered by the university. Content reflects individual opinions of the authors submitting to the list and does not reflect official or unofficial policy or opinion of the University of Georgia or the Conchologists of America."
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Selected Sources of Information on Mollusks -- This site lists general reference and identification books as well as selections for the young collector, adult beginner and regional identification. There is also a section of major public shell collections.
Bibliography for the Identification of North American Freshwater Snails -- This is a "compilation of all 20th-century guidebooks, keys, monographs, systematic reviews, regional surveys, checklists, and any other published reference material potentially useful for identifying our freshwater gastropod fauna."
Regional Species Lists -- A listing of regional or local mollusk species lists available via the Internet.
Compendium of Brazilian Sea Shells by E.C.Rios, 2009 -- Download index file in pdf format.
Sally Kaicher's Card Catalogue of World-wide Shells
- Index of Species (PDF format)
- Pack Contents Index (PDF format)
- Compendium of complete digitized Kaicher set
Vita Marina and Spirula Web Site -- This site contains online lists of conchologists, shell events, and other information resources.
Mollusca Listserv -- An electronic discussion group for E-mail networking related to mollusks and malacology.
Mollia -- Information for Malacologists. This site includes information on malacological publications and instructions to authors.
Tide Predictor -- A program for predicting the times and magnitude of high and low tides at hundreds of locations throughout the world.
Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum , Sanibel, Florida. (
Systematic Research Collections (Recent & Fossil Mollusca) -- List of world-wide research collections compiled by Kevin Cummings (Illinois Natural History Survey), Anton Oleinik (Purdue University), and John H. Slapcinsky (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago).
Academy of Natural Sciences (Philadelphia) -- Some of their catalog is online. Malacology collections.
MALACOLOG 4.1.1 -- Database of recent gastropods of the Western Atlantic.
MBL Marine Animal Models -- A database of useful information, images, and links of the approximately 200 species of marine animals that have contributed to MBL science."
Conchology -- The Art & Science of Nature -- Rich Goldberg's non-commercial site with hundreds of shell images, as well as multimedia presentations, shell articles, a conchology quiz, games and diversions, and links to important Web shell resources. (Slow loading sometimes, but well worth the wait.)
Jacksonville Shells -- an extensive web site created by Bill Frank with articles and color images on a variety of conchological issues. Includes extensive information of Florida marine, freshwater, and land mollusks.
Tips on shell show exhibiting -- John Timmerman of the North Carolina Shell Club provides some insights, replete with illustrations, of what makes a good shell show exhibit
All About Malacology
Snails, Slugs, Mussels, Cockles, Clams & Squid (Mollusca)