2025 COA Convention

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COA membership includes novices, as well as advanced collectors, scientists and shell dealers from around the country and the world.
June 2018 Issue of American Conchologist
Enter the pages of The Conchologist's Information Network (Conch-Net) and learn more about the fascinating hobby of seashells. Or just browse through them and enjoy yourself. We've included material to educate you, entertain you, or just help you with your homework. And, whatever your shell needs, there's plenty of information about our organization as well.
The Conchologists of America, better known as COA, is a society for shell enthusiasts from all walks of life, at all levels of interest. It is a tax-exempt educational non-profit organization under the provisions of Article 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Service Code (Tax ID 112541695).
On these pages you'll find articles about shells from our printed publication, American Conchologist, information about our annual convention and pertinent information about our Grants Program. Then there are frequently asked questions about mollusks, a very helpful News of New Species, and a Kids' section. There's even a page of history and information about our logo, the spiral of Neptunea whelks that you see at the top of this page. Lots more awaits as you get caught up in the Conch-Net.