COA Board Functions


PURPOSE: As the ranking COA officer, presides at all official meetings of COA: the annual meeting, Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. Recommends to the Executive Committee the individuals to serve as directors and special committee members.

DUTIES: Presides at all meetings and be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating and Audit Committees; Recommends such special committees as may be necessary; Appoints Nominating and Audit Committees; Performs such other duties as are consistent with this office.


PURPOSE: As the second ranking officer of COA, assumes the duties of the President in the event of the President's absence, resignation or inability to function.

DUTIES: Assumes the duties of the President in the event of the President's absence, resignation, or inability to function; Coordinates the Club Representative Program; Performs such other duties as are determined by the President.


PURPOSE: Keeps the financial records using sound accounting procedures.

DUTIES: Maintains a checking and savings accounts, pays all bills and receives all monies.


PURPOSE: Maintains accurate records of all regular and special meetings.

DUTIES: Keeps records, minutes and tapes of all COA official meetings including the annual meeting, Executive Committee, Board of Directors and COA Representatives.


PURPOSE: Performs duties as determined by the President and Board of Directors. Assists in the selection of the directors and special committees.

DUTIES: Assigned by the President and Board of Directors.


PURPOSE: Serves as a general advisor to the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, committee chairpersons and the Convention Chairperson as well as the general membership.

DUTIES: Uses the expertise gained while serving COA to help current officers and directors to provide continuity and stimulate progress in the organization.


PURPOSE: Promotes and processes memberships.

DUTIES: Collects dues and promptly sends monies to the Treasurer.


PURPOSE: Directs the publication and mailing of the official COA publication, American Conchologist.

DUTIES: Makes sure of timely editing, printing and mailing of American Conchologist.


PURPOSE: Assures that the financial activities of COA are carried out using sound accounting procedures. Coordinates with the Treasurer the preparation of the annual budget.

DUTIES: Prepares the annual budget. Assures that funds are handled in accordance with Chapter 9, Section A, B and C of the Bylaws.


PURPOSE: Reviews applications from individuals and organizations requesting funds for projects relating to Conchology and Malacology.

DUTIES: Distributes applications to those requesting grants and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on those which have merit and which the committee considers worthy.


PURPOSE: Promotes and procures the COA Trophy.

DUTIES: Contacts the sponsors of shell shows worldwide to promote the advantages of having the COA Trophy as part of their show awards.


PURPOSE: Coordinates all special publication projects, forms, documents and notices for COA having a need for membership-wide distribution.

DUTIES: Responsible for editing, layout and distribution of all COA-initiated items or documents that are required for general distribution with the exception of American Conchologist.


PURPOSE: Informs the public, non-member clubs and other institutions that have an interest in Conchology and Malacology of the benefits of their participation in COA.

DUTIES: Contacts non-COA shell clubs, shell show sponsors, individuals interested in shelling activities, organizations, dealers, museums, both domestic and foreign, that are potential members. Emphasizes the educational character of COA and the universal appeal to both amateur and professional.


PURPOSE: Prepares an annual update of the history of COA.

DUTIES: Maintains, in good order, all current and non-current documents that have a bearing on the history of COA.


PURPOSE: Maintains an up-to-date listing of all properties belonging to COA, including equipment, publications, items for sale, and any item that is held in inventory by an official.

DUTIES: Maintains a list of all equipment authorized by the Board of Directors and assigned to any official. This information is received annually from the reports required by the Bylaws.


PURPOSE: Selects, in close collaboration with members of this committee, individuals for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Trustee. Conducts the election at the annual meeting at the convention.

DUTIES: Prepares a slate of officers in compliance with Chapter 2 of the Bylaws.


PURPOSE: Assures that the financial records of COA are prepared and kept by the Treasurer and are in balance and maintained by sound accounting procedures.

DUTIES: Performs an annual audit.